Local Care and Support

Care Navigation Service

Patients over the age of 16 years can now access a care navigation service. This free service is delivered in partnership by Community Agents Essex, Age UK Essex and the Provide Essex Lifestyle Service. If you are struggling with a non-clinical issue and it is impacting on your health and well-being. You can self refer to the service.

Our Care Navigation leaflet explains more.

Essex Care Services Directory

Essex and Southend-on-Sea Care Services Directory for information on care providers and care homes in Essex.

Local Contact Numbers

Health Visitors01279 698685
District Nurses01279 698685
Princess Alexandra Hospital01279 444455
Herts & Essex Hospital01279 444455
Social Services01279 434641
West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group01992 566140
Citizens Advice Bureau01279 424400
Drugsline01279 438716
Caring for Harlow Carers01279 308314
Victim Support01279 641074
Essex Police01279 641212
Community Health Council01279 443875