Test Results, Specimens and Blood Tests

Test Results

If the doctor has sent you for tests, you must telephone the surgery to obtain your results between 10am and 12noon.

General Information about Test Results

Please remember that the staff can only act in accordance with the Doctor’s instructions so may not be able to give you a result. This does not necessarily mean that there is a problem but simply that the Doctor needs to see you or talk to you to explain the whole situation.

Results can be given to someone other than the patient if previously arranged with Doctor.

The results of tests carried out during hospital visits are not normally sent to the


Results for patients over 16 years of age can only be given to the patient.

Test Times

Below is a rough guide to how long results can take to come through.

Type of TestUsual Time for Results
X-RayUp to 2 weeks
Smear2 weeks
Blood tests2 to 7 days, depending on the test
UrineWithin 7 days


Urine specimens for laboratory testing can be left at reception up to 12noon each day. The specimen must be clearly marked with the patient’s name and date the specimen was taken.

The specimens will be collected by courier and taken to the Princess Alexandra Hospital Pathology Department. Specimen containers are available free of charge from our reception.

Specimens must only be provided in the proper container and should be sealed in the envelope provided before being left with the receptionist.

Please note all stool and semen samples must be taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital and not brought to the surgery.

Blood Tests

A Phlebotomist is present in the centre for administration and taking of blood for analysis. This service is mainly available for elderly and acute patients in the local area.

Non Fasting
Hamilton PracticeWednesday9.30am to 10.30am10.30am to 11.30am
Friday10.30am to 11am11am to 11.30am
The Ross PracticeTuesday9.30am to 10.30am10.30am to 11.30am
Note: The phlebotomist can only see a limited number of patients per session.
Fasting: When your blood test requires fasting, nil by mouth should be taken to be from 8pm the previous evening prior to the blood sample being taken. If you do not observe this requirement, your blood sample may be invalidated.